A History of

Our Emerging Consciousness

A process of becoming


Andrew Bradbery

The global disasters looming on so many fronts describe how many good ideas needed to rescue situations were not given priority early enough. This book focuses on the the good ideas that were adopted by past culture, which have passed the test of time. How this fascinating anthropology developed is worth looking at. To do this the book initially identifies the cycles of growth that our intelligence has been following.

Historical and archaeological evidence of this process is traced from the end of the last Ice Age. When viewing this progress, its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stages of growth become clear. A deeper study of these steps reveals the emergence of other complementary skills. Each of these had their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual phases of development. These qualities of consciousness enhanced the expression of intelligence.  These developments and their time-scale correspond with a natural cycle. This introduces a fascinating model for our emerging intelligence.

The validity of this new theory is tested by seeing if its principles can be applied to the emergence of the other qualities of consciousness identified. To achieve this, evidence of human innovations before the end of the last Ice Age is needed. The author traces many of these earlier developments from published archaeological and palaeolithic books. The overview presented describes a continuum of original human innovation spanning dozens of millennia.

In this way a theory for our emerging consciousness is derived and found to be successful. The test uses prehistoric evidence from a period that started forty thousand years ago. This hypothesis includes ideas about current ways we can consciously align our lives with this natural cycle’s creative expressions.


“I believe this is a REALLY important book and should be read CAREFULLY, SLOWLY and several times. Of course, dismiss it as ‘Yet another bit of esoteric mumbling’ and that will simply be your loss.”
Brian Stephen Hewitt